telc exams at Hallo Deutschschule

Daten der telc Prüfungen 2024/2025

Exam date Registration Deadline (& payment due by:)
28.03.2025 03.03.2025
Exam date Registration Deadline (& payment due by:)
23.05.2025 28.04.2025
Exam date Registration Deadline (& payment due by:)
18.07.2025 23.06.2025
Exam date Registration Deadline (& payment due by:)
12.09.2025 18.08.2025
Exam date Registration Deadline (& payment due by:)
07.11.2025 13.10.2025

Prices telc exams: Start German A1: 160 Fr.


Exam date Registration Deadline (& payment due by:)
28.02.2025 03.02.2025
Exam date Registration Deadline (& payment due by:)
25.04.2025 31.03.2025
Exam date Registration Deadline (& payment due by:)
20.06.2025 26.05.2025
Exam date Registration Deadline (& payment due by:)
15.08.2025 21.07.2025
Exam date Registration Deadline (& payment due by:)
10.10.2025 15.09.2025
Exam date Registration Deadline (& payment due by:)
05.12.2025 10.11.2025

Prices telc exams: Start German A2: 170 Fr.


Exam date Registration Deadline (& payment due by:)
01.02.2025 06.01.2025
Exam date Registration Deadline (& payment due by:)
29.03.2025 03.03.2025
Exam date Registration Deadline (& payment due by:)
24.05.2025 28.04.2025
Exam date Registration Deadline (& payment due by:)
19.07.2025 23.06.2025
Exam date Registration Deadline (& payment due by:)
13.09.2025 18.08.2025
Exam date Registration Deadline (& payment due by:)
08.11.2025 13.10.2025

German B1 certificate: 250 Fr.


Exam date Registration Deadline (& payment due by:)
01.03.2025 03.02.2025
Exam date Registration Deadline (& payment due by:)
26.04.2025 31.03.2025
Exam date Registration Deadline (& payment due by:)
21.06.2025 26.05.2025
Exam date Registration Deadline (& payment due by:)
16.08.2025 21.07.2025
Exam date Registration Deadline (& payment due by:)
11.10.2025 15.09.2025
Exam date Registration Deadline (& payment due by:)
06.12.2025 10.11.2025

German B2 certificate: 280 Fr.

C 1

Exam date Registration Deadline (& payment due by:)
15.03.2025 17.02.2025
Exam date Registration Deadline (& payment due by:)
05.07.2025 10.06.2025
Exam date Registration Deadline (& payment due by:)
25.10.2025 29.09.2025

Zertifikat Deutsch C1: 350 Fr.

General conditions for registration of telc exam preparation:
1. this registration is binding and cannot be cancelled. After registration for a telc examination preparation, the costs must be paid in any case. A postponement of the registered preparation date is not possible.
2. telc exam preparation is carried out by Hallo Deutschschule GmbH with a minimum of 6 registrations. If there are less than 6 registrations, Hallo Deutschschule reserves the right to cancel the preparation. In this case, registered students will be informed in due time and will be refunded the examination fees paid.

What are telc certificates?

Internationally, telc language tests are highly regarded by companies, government agencies, schools, universities and colleges. telc certificates are recognized in Switzerland for naturalization or for employment in the civil service, depending on the canton.

A survey by Stiftung Warentest confirms this: HR managers are aware of telc certificates and see them as a prerequisite or plus for job applications.