Leisure / Culture

Every month

Day Trip

Students at Hallo Deutschschule spend a day outside of the classroom to discover unknown places in the Zurich area. It’s an opportunity for the students to bond and for students to socialize and speak German. Also, we want to introduce cultural aspects of Switzerland to the students.

Several times per year

Games evenings

Regelmässig organisieren wir unseren Hallo-Spieleabend. Neben viel Spass und Aktion verspricht unser Spieleabend bunten Austausch und aktives Sprechen. Komm vorbei, spiele mit und lerne neue Leute kennen!

Hallo Konversationsclub
Du hast Lust, Deutsch zu sprechen, neue Leute kennenzulernen und eine Menge Spass zu haben? Dann ist unser Hallo Konversationsclub genau das Richtige für dich! Wir bereiten schöne Themen für alle vor. Herzlich willkommen!

Movie or soccer evening

We regularely host movie or football nights. We show the latest German movies or football matches with German commentaries. After the movie/match there will be a discussion.

In unserem Hallo-Fussballclub spielen wir zusammen Fussball, lernen uns kennen und erklären die zentralen Begriffe des Fussballspiels. Komm vorbei und spiele mit!

Theater visit and «Sprachtisch»

Several times a year, students of Hallo Deutschschule can attend a play at SOGAR THEATER at a reduced price and, after the play, participate in the "Sprachtisch", which is held exclusively for students of German: The actors, directors and theater staff sit down with the German learners, discuss the play with them and answer questions. Especially recommended for participants of higher language levels (B2, C1, C2).


Yoga on the 4th floor

As a student:at Hallo Deutschschule you can attend yoga classes at discounted prices at AirYoga on the 4th floor before or after German classes.

Conversation training

To improve the practical use of german we organise conversation trainings on the Levels A2 to C2. The teacher will guide the conversation and correct the students.

Every Week

Konversations-Fabrik (conversation in groups)

In role plays and improvisations, students practise how to react fast and speak in realistic situations (guided by the theater director Michela Goesken). Feel free to use your fantasy and imagination. Fun factor: 10!

Are you looking for people to jam, hike, play football with?
No problem. Just post your project on our pin board inside the school so other students with the same interests can easily contact you.